
Concerning Life

How can we make the most of our life now, finding true success in right and wise living, along with joy, and embrace the hope of endless life in true peace and happiness, which God holds out to those loving Him?


The answer involves looking into God's word the Bible, finding help to understand truth about Bible teachings, and true Christianity, answering questions such as is the soul immortal, what's involved for those receiving the privilege of heavenly life, and what is God's purpose for the earth--can people live on a cleansed earth in Paradise endlessly?
From God's word we can receive loving guidance and wisdom from God for right living with a joyful heart, looking forward to the rulership of God's Kingdom.

Have Just a Few Moments?

If you haven't long to visit the website this time, check out the daily BLOG. This takes an informative look at a few verses of Scripture and makes application to our daily life and our relationships with God and others. If you're on a phone, you may need to tap the Menu icon, likely in the upper left of the screen, and select Blog. Why not bookmark the Blog and check back daily? However, for you to truly take to heart the information, it is important to first understand the truths explained in the articles on Christianity. Using your phone, you could read them in order a little at a time each day, while standing in line, or make some time for it. May you and many others benefit from this daily instruction from God's word that "is alive and exerts power!" (Hebrews 4:12)

Have a Little Longer?

If you can spend a little more time, check out an article written on an important topic--listed in a progressive way to enhance your understanding of God's word STEP BY STEP. These articles are written with the aim of being informative while having clarity of thought. Why not start with the DIVINE GIFT article to review evidence proving the authenticity of God's word, or THE BASICS article which helps prepare our hearts to grow in understanding it and to get to know God better. These articles highlight the message of true Christianity, the "one faith" that unites us in Christ, and enables us to worship God "in spirit and in truth." (Ephesians 4:5; John 4:23,24) Using a smartphone, you can read these articles in order a little at a time each day.

Article 1:
Divine Gift of God's Word

DIVINE GIFT.  We have received a wonderful divine gift from our loving Creator--a collection of books inspired by Him known collectively as God's word the Holy Bible...It's important to understand that it truly is inspired of God himself, even though he used some 40 or so of his human servants on earth as penmen...

Draw close to God

Let's help as many as possible to embrace the hope of endless life in true peace and happiness, becoming true friends of God, His Son and others.

Article 2:
The Basics

CALLING ON GOD'S NAME. "Everyone who calls on the name of (God) will be saved" says Romans 10:13. Certainly we need to do this in a genuine way, so what's involved in doing so?

More education in God's word

Newly Updated Article:
Christianity Heading:
The Divine Gift of
 God's Word

Newly Updated Article:
Christianity Heading:

The Basics

Expanded Article:
Christianity Heading:
What it Means to Be Upright

Finding Truth, such as is soul immortal, what of hell, and others

Christians are to embrace the one faith of genuine Christianity. God's holy word is the source of truth to determine the doctrine that God approves and we should believe. God determines truth--not the worldly wise. Let's examine more carefully some vital Christian doctrines. We'll use the King James Version for this examination.
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What it Means to Be Upright

God disapproves of those who are smug, or hypocritical. While requiring effort, we can come to be considered upright by God based on our faith in Christ. Why is this desirable, and what is involved in achieving this? Let's learn the basics.

Sermon on the Mount Revisited 1

 Let's take a closer look at the Nine Happinesses, or Beatitudes, to see how we can benefit from Jesus' or Josha's wise counsel.
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Finding More Truth

Many have come to acknowledge the existence of God, His inspiration of the Holy Bible, and His godlike Son Jesus, a King, in the invisible heavens above. While this reveals much, are there still hidden truths that can make possible an even greater unity among those who sincerely seek to please God and hope in the promised blessings under God's Kingdom?
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Revere God, Receive Divine Wisdom

"The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom,” says Proverbs 9:10. What are some of the practices and rewards experienced by those having a proper godly fear--a high regard for God, desiring never to displease Him? Why is it appropriate, and how does one acquire this reverence for Him, to be able to grow in divine knowledge and wisdom?
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Heart Matters

Jesus said “Happy are the pure in heart, since they will see God.” By the Scriptures, is there more than one way to see God? And what of this purity of heart—what is it and how can we reasonably manifest it in the world we live in, leading to what happiness?
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God's Kingdom--Our Hope

It was the theme of Jesus'/Josha's preaching work, the primary thing he talked about in his ministry. So what is this Kingdom, and how can you benefit by understanding it?
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Encouraging Upbuilding Speech

Many persons want to maintain a positive, upbuilding spirit when speaking with others, and are pained when something negative or discouraging slips from their tongue. Others haven’t learned to care much how others are affected by their speech. What can motivate us to care, and to be better able to control our speech in an upbuilding way, avoiding slanderous talk? Let’s look at how God’s word can help us to achieve this.
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Marriage and the family unit are among the oldest of institutions among mankind, and when respected, have brought much happiness to the human family as a whole. However, in these days, there are challenges to the health, security, and happiness of humans. Why is the family arrangement to be treasured and safeguarded, and what can help each member of the family to contribute to the well-being and happiness of all involved?

Overcoming Sin

Many persons realize that sin is wrong in God’s eyes, but they may not understand how much they are hurting themselves and others by ignoring God’s warnings against such sin. What are some examples of serious sin, and how can we develop the right viewpoint so as to avoid the stain and pain of sin, and even help others overcome wrong views themselves, leading to the happiness God promises, now and endlessly, for those who love Him and His right standards for living?

Wise Cautions

We may be working hard to find true success in life, growing in the true wisdom of God and in true love for Him and others. The Scriptures show, however, that even right-hearted ones may be persuaded away from the truth by various means, for instance subtle tricks of wrongdoers, not yet treasuring a conscience corrected by God’s word and the hope of everlasting life. What cautions are in order, especially for newer ones in the faith, to avoid falling back to a selfish way of life, but instead to become more firm for what is truly right, experiencing God-given joy with wisdom that transcends all other delights and makes every gift of God more delightful?

Wearing the Complete Suit of Armor

God's word exhorts Christians to "Put on the complete suit of armor from God, so that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts of the Devil." (Ephesians 6:11) Are you wearing this spiritual suit? What are the pieces of this spiritual armor, why do we need each piece, and how do they each protect us spiritually?
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Love Examined

Godly Christian Love, expressed fully, should be a primary goal of all Christians, as Jesus declared it to be the greatest of all commandments. Yet, how can we define this love, and how can it be manifested? Let's examine the Bible's description of love found at 1Corinthians 13:4-8.
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Twelve Tribes of Christianity

At 1Corinthians 2:16 we read: "For 'who has come to know the mind of Jehovah, so that he may instruct Him?' But we do have the mind of Christ." How amazing is God's incredible wisdom. Consider how various branches of Christianity were likely foreshadowed by sons of Jacob and their respective tribes of Israel.
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