1. FURTHER GEMS OF TRUTH? Many have really come to see the Holy Bible as undeniably God's Word, divinely inspired. They also largely recognize that Jesus is the Son of God, now representing Him above as a powerful godlike one himself, a King in the invisible heavens. But is there another heaven that the Scriptures acknowledge, with another fulfillment of divine prophecy, preparing the Kingdom of God for its activities capable of blessing mankind readily in ways that many have not been expecting? And along with this, are there further truths that have been somewhat hidden, that help explain recent events and, if uncovered, make possible a greater unity among professing Christians who sincerely desire to please God in all their conduct, hoping in endless blessings under God's Kingdom? *
2. AN IMPORTANT KEY. There are several scriptural texts that hold one important key to unlocking a refreshing understanding of God's revealed will for all of mankind. These verses are in agreement, not only with one another, but with God's inspired Word in it's entirety. One of these is 2Peter 3:9, often shared to help ones appreciate the extent of God's love for mankind. Yet might that love be even greater than many have originally considered possible? The scripture reads this way, according to one translation considered by many to be among the most accurate, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures: "Jehovah (understood by many to be the genuine personal name of God the Father, see Psalm 83:18 in the original King James Version, although a recently discovered ending adjustment, used centuries ago, may prove to more accurately convey the true meaning of "He Who Causes to Become") is not slow concerning his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance." Could it be that, not only does Jehovah desire that no one be destroyed and that all attain to repentance, but He is capable of bringing far more to salvation than many have thought reasonable or even possible? John 3:17-18a says for instance, "For God did not send his Son into the world for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. Whoever exercises faith in him is not to be judged..."
3. YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH. True, the Scriptures have revealed that there would be some refusing to repent and that could really lose out on the eternal life reward from God, but the Scriptures also reveal that persons, many of whom could be dead in a figurative, or spiritual sense, may yet remain alive and have opportunity to wake up, and be restored to life in a spiritual sense! Many will acknowledge that the change in a person's life that respect for God's word makes possible is so significant, that in some cases it is as if they have died to a former life course of wrongdoing, and, having truly attained to repentance, have reawakened to a life filled with appreciation for God's loving mercy and have changed dramatically on a determined course of obediently loving God and others. Psalm 37:9-10 thus reads this way: "For [corrupt] men will be done away with (in what way, or in what sense?), But those hoping in Jehovah will possess the earth. Just a little while longer, and the [crooked] will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there." They are no longer where they were, at that place in their life, and cannot be found as such, but may have become meek, teachable, and far more respectful of God. Thus the next verse says: "But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance (or, fulfillment) of peace." Thus it is as stated at John 8:31-32 "Then Jesus went on to say to the Jews who had believed him: “If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." More to the point: How many have expressed gratitude that God did not bring the end a year before they started to take seriously God's word, and to study it diligently? Might he have still preserved you alive physically, believing in your capacity to repent, or to change your life course, waking up spiritually? What of others, even throughout the world? Many support a common view that such a time already came, when practically the entire world faced the Coronavirus Pandemic.
4. TWO MEANINGS. Along the same lines, there is a word in the Bible that, like others, has more than one meaning, and that has been at times a source of confusion among those respecting God's word and seeking to think and live by it. The apostle John himself may have seen the need to clarify, when he wrote a familiar verse to many, at John 3:16-18a: "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. 18 Whoever exercises faith in him is not to be judged..." The term under discussion is "world." In this sense in John's writing, it clearly means the world of mankind, whom God so "loved," and still does! There has been another, different "world" (Greek, "cosmos") or system that true Christians were to remain separate from, as Jesus expressed regarding his true followers at John 17: "You are no part of the world." What did he mean by this?
5. SOME DENYING GOD, BUT CHANGEABLE. Some of the world in Jesus' day was not considerate of the Creator, the Giver of life, Jehovah, and to this day perhaps a number have been refusing to acknowledge a God above, that they not have to answer to Him for ungodly moral decisions. Thus there has been an earthly, ungodly influence as a way of thinking that all truly Christian should on some level separate and remain apart from. James eludes to this, when he writes at James 3:15, after speaking of it's effects, bitter jealousy and contention: "This is not the wisdom that comes down from above; it is earthly['of the world'], animalistic, demonic. 16 For wherever there are jealousy and contentiousness, there will also be disorder and every vile (vain) thing." THIS is or was the world (a particular false religious system or arrangement/organization) that Christ's disciples, especially his anointed followers, were to be no part of--an ungodly, false religious "system", using God's word for aims of ruling power, not truly acknowledging the Creator and His right to govern mankind, to lay down the loving law we all should keep. Yet it was while on earth that Jesus said he was choosing them out of that world, that back then they were to be cautious, and not overly invested in such an ungodly arrangement. Thus a form of religion using the Bible for aims of political power while not believing in the power of God/Christ or that of His word, was this 'system', 'cosmos' or 'world' being referred to, as one might refer to the world of insects, or the world of sports. It is that form of religion that the context reveals Paul was referring to in speaking of Satan as 'the god of THIS (particular) system/cosmos/world' at 2Corinthians 4:1-4, the true God still owning the entire world, it was rather a particular arrangement of deception. So unquestionably, governments would still benefit greatly overall by applying the principles of the Law of God given through Moses and Jesus' own teachings. Thus, at 1John 5:19, the reference to the "whole world" is actually an unintended mistranslation, it actually saying "The entirety of the (that particular false religious) system is ruled by the crooked". It is important to note that such a misunderstanding was never intended to mislead, but rather to safeguard one's relationships with God and Christ. {To clarify, from the start of this website, faith in General Christianity and sincerity of most Christians, including Jehovah's Witnesses, was promoted. 'Babylon the Great' was so-called Christian orthodoxy doing as described above.} While in God's way we should still love those not believing, by seeking to help them recognize God's love for them and change their thinking, we want it to be clear that God's word truly is a Source of Divine Truth, and the answers to right living truly are within or agreeable to God's law, as revealed in Christ. According to the book of James, it would be wrong to think that a system or arrangement that overall aims to violate God's wise and beneficial word and law should somehow be loved affectionately (James 4:4-8).
6. REASON FOR REFRAIN, YET HAVING VIEWS. At this point, we should perhaps acknowledge the reason some have refrained from claiming such views on issues considered "political." Largely, it is understood that such views can be divisive. Even Jesus, as peaceable as he was, knew that his teachings would not initially be accepted by all, and drew attention to some of the causes of division (Matthew 10:34-39). The love and unity of those professing faith in the true God mean a great deal to many--but this needn't be compromised when looked at in the proper way, despite having views that not all yet understand or appreciate. If we can truly understand and stick decidedly with God's view of a matter, based on a clear understanding of His word and will, might this not have a positive effect on the opinions of others? Many who have considered themselves as neutral and having no opinion on matters, actually do have scriptural points of view already on a variety of significant issues facing this nation and the rest of the world of mankind, and can also humbly change their view as evidence proves it correct to do so. Of course, no one should strongly assert their view(s) without clear evidence, resulting faith in God and His love for all, careful examination, proper authority and divine backing, and so forth. God's Kingdom has the answers we all need to solve pressing problems, and as we continue to examine the Scriptures diligently, we are able to comprehend and recognize God's view on a number of these issues, and speak of such things in a tactful way that aims to maintain peaceable dealings with others, tolerantly acknowledging the right of others to an opinion, even possibly having the correct view themselves, encouraging all to seek an accurate understanding. We thus encourage scholarship and diplomacy on world issues, rather than acts of aggression or violence.
7. WHAT OF HOLIDAYS? While Jesus did institute a commemoration to be held the same evening as the Jewish Passover, and related to Good Friday, as of significance due to his law-abiding integrity and it's importance, such as in providing the ransom sacrifice for true forgiveness of sin, does this mean that other days of the year could not also be considered sacred or holy to the United States or other countries? In the past some have claimed that celebrating a nation's holidays might be tantamount to violating Jesus' command to remain "no part of the world." However, Jesus was referring primarily to unchristian conduct of those denying God as a worldly influence. God's law actually required commemorating certain annual festivals. One of these festivals involved expressing gratitude to God for a blessed harvest. Is it not reasonable for a nation to acknowledge a day for a similar purpose, such as the Thanksgiving holiday? God's word actually acknowledges the formation of a Christian faith with several branches, likened to the 12 tribes of Israel, as explained in more detail later. Sharing in holidays that show respect for God and His law alongside others wishing to do so can certainly contribute to the peace-loving world God has purposed! (For more information, see the article "God's View of Celebrations," elsewhere on this website.)
8. GAMBLING, LOTTERIES, BINGO NIGHT? Due to problems that at least some people have experienced in the past from various forms of gambling, with concerns as to effects on a person's overall spirit, there are sincere groups that choose not to participate in such practices as those mentioned above. Would it not be reasonable, however, to consider that there are also many lovers of God's word seeking integrity to God who believe that there is no scriptural prohibition against these practices, if done so without improper motive or selfish thinking? For instance, is there a law in God's word against "gambling" itself? Is it not rather such things as selfishness and greed, and addictive behavior, that are the scriptural issues, rather than forms of gambling, such as perhaps paying modest money for an enjoyable night of bingo with prizes and refreshments, among other upright community members? Such an event might support a local firehouse, for instance, helping them pay for things to support both paid and volunteer workers there. This might illustrate the scriptural encouragement to respect the consciences of one another, as each person may be in a different place in their growth in understanding and genuine knowledge of God's word and law. Recall this important Bible injunction: "Do not go beyond the things that are written." There is no scriptural law against gambling itself, and do we not wish to avoid imputing wrong motives to others, when in good conscience they seek the good of others in what they are doing? Some have even claimed to have been blessed to win enough to pay their rent money in desperation, moved at God's direction to purchase an inexpensive lottery ticket. Would you believe them? One other thing to understand: Going beyond the things written can in many instances be doing what Christ called out the Pharisees for doing: "Putting up a hedge about the Law." This may be with or without good motive, sometimes resulting in other violations of it. As mentioned above, occasions of gambling may take place in an atmosphere that either honors or dishonors God. In this case, out of a sincere desire to prevent persons from becoming selfish or addicted (neglecting family obligations), for instance, prohibition against forms of gambling can be "hedging" the law. While wanting to protect others from bad practices, could it not be appropriate for those of age that are confronted with such decisions, to learn greater wisdom from God, to gain better judgement and decision-making, seeing the various principles or laws that truly are scriptural, better able to personally choose in a particular situation or setting whether to spend money for such things, for acceptable entertainment and/or similar purposes?
9. STILL, A RANSOM. Thus we've begun to appreciate even more the love of God for all, and this is underscored once more by the apostle John, in his words found in 1John 2, verses 1-3. In these words, the ransom provision of the Christ is upheld, applied to all attaining repentance. This involves realizing that sin can bring death, but faith, or thankful trust in God's gift through Christ, having experienced a death that can be used in place of all looking to him and his teachings, can save such ones, causing a transformation to a life seeking true Christian love. The passage reads this way: "My little children, I am writing you these things so that you may not commit a sin. And yet, if anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper with the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteous one. 2 And he is a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins, yet not for ours only but also for [all the] world’s. 3 And by this we realize that we have come to know him, namely, if we continue observing his commandments." Thus, along with believing in the ransom sacrifice of Christ, all must likewise seek obedience to God fully, realizing His commandments are for everyone's benefit out of God's great love for all. In this way only, is true peace, contentment, and prosperity possible for all mankind.
10. SINCE 1914. Regarding this, what of Jesus' understood rulership in the heavens above since 1914--could we imagine that there would not be positive effects, even as regards human society in general? It has been increasingly understood that he was and would become like God in many respects, so that John 1:1 could say that the Word was with God, and became like God himself, or As God, AzGod. Recall that Revelation refers to both God and Jesus as the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, the 'Alpha and the Omega', or in English: the 'A and the Z'. Thus AzGod or AZGod is appropriate in more than one way! Now as for the statement above about Jesus' accomplishments since 1914, mankind was brought from total warfare or World War beginning in 1914, to the point largely, with the United States and a derivative Organization having aims of promoting peace in a civilized world, of a civil society that is to make proper, but not improper, use of 'excommunication', a sort of sanctioning, to render punishment or discipline against incivility, with the hope of gaining greater appreciation for what Christ himself has done in making Christian life, fairness and healthful ways prominent in society and life in general, leading to genuine repentance on the part of offenders, and a restoration to the happy life God has made and is making possible. Again, even such a method of strong correction, much better than any violent treatment, is not to be misused, or those doing so could themselves become guilty of a form of violence themselves, possibly denying needy ones of the means of survival in a world that God and Christ so loves. It is nevertheless a strong correction that brings a change in how one acquires things necessary to sustain life, to more greatly appreciate Christian or godly norms.
11. DANIEL'S PROPHECY. In harmony with the lessons found in the article "Twelve Tribes of Christianity," there is a prophecy in Daniel that has found a secondary fulfillment. Without discussing the entire prophecy, the verse at Daniel 9:25 has much to indicate. There we read "You should know and understand that from the issuing of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Mes·siʹah the Leader, there will be 7 weeks, also 62 weeks. She will be restored and rebuilt, with a public square and moat, but in times of distress." Of prime interest in this article is the "issuing of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem." This didn't only happen in the centuries leading up to Jesus' appearance in the year 29 C.E. Rather, there was another fulfillment. Martin Luther, discussed at length in the aforementioned article, amazingly had a hand in seeking to restore and rebuild another Jerusalem, one acknowledging Christianity. In fact, at an appropriate time, a Bible-based publication, the Watchtower magazine, published an article in the 2003, September 15 issue, pp. 26-30, entitled "Martin Luther--The Man and His Legacy." In this article, mention is made of Luther's famous 95 Theses, noting that Luther was "wanting to encourage reform, not rebellion." Yet it would be a few years later, in 1520, that presses would with great zeal put to print Luther's work, along with the pamphlets entitled "Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation", "The Babylonian Captivity of the Church", and "The Liberty of a Christian Man." It was likely about the fall of that year, when in more diligence, the word was truly going forth "to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem." Why do I mention the timing of the September 2003 Watchtower article? Count back 69 weeks (7 and 62 weeks) of years, or 483 years, and we arrive at September 1520. Word was indeed "going forth" to restore and rebuild true Christian thought and teaching, even among the "Christian nobility." In ways that God above could make possible much nearer this modern time, an appearance reflective of Christ was brought about, in line with Scriptural prophecy, and "in times of distress." Many people, living within a Godly Israel of Christianity, could hear words as from Christ, and begin to put greater faith in God's incoming Kingdom (Galatians 6:16; Isaiah 9:6-7). Yet this Christ being heard was as referred to in Revelation, mentioning in fulfillment sometime after 1914, 'the Lord (Jesus) and his Christ,' yes, another 'firstborn son'. This would prove to be a secondary application of prophecy taking place under another realm, a lower realm heavenly and earthly, a governing arrangement that had been established by Christ Jesus above, serving like or as God and guiding mankind for a better rule in preparation for the future Kingdom of God, and the promised blessings to come. The words of Job 38, for example, being fulfilled, this time with the Lord as God or AzGod, such as at Job 38:7, the earth, or earthly realm, being produced, and 'the stars joyfully cried out together, and all the sons of God (in 'midheaven') began shouting in applause.'
12. ACCURATE UNDERSTANDING. There was thus indication that God's Kingdom, and the end of the time discussed in Scripture as "the last days" was drawing ever nearer (2Timothy 3:1-5; 1Corinthians 10:11). Yet, how would larger numbers of people be able to be assisted to greater faith and love, and able to acknowledge the Kingdom of God that really had it's very start back in 1914, in accord with other prophecies of Scripture? It was like the dawn of a new day. Many began proclaiming with zeal the present and incoming Kingdom of God. Proverbs 4:18 thus says "But the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light That grows brighter and brighter until full daylight." It has become evident that from the beginning of the Kingdom there would still be just a partial understanding of God's loving will among mankind, but that in time, this would lead to a much greater, or accurate understanding, closer to our day. (1Corinthians 13:8-13). What are some other aspects of true understanding that make possible the greater unity among acknowledging Christians that we are capable of experiencing?
13. FINDING THE ANSWERS. For one, God has intended that all families among mankind be associated with one of the twelve tribes of Christianity that would begin to be clarified with the work of Martin Luther and others of his day. People from all walks of life would begin to feel at ease among one of the tribes, whether Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Catholic, Episcopalian, Churches of Christ, Pentecostal, Congregationalist/Church of the Bretheren/Assembly of God and others, Mennonite/Amish/Quakers, Seventh-day Adventists, Mormon/Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Jehovah's Witnesses, and other Evangelicals, with several offshoots falling within each branch or tribal group. It is important to understand that the Congregationalist branch was recognized in the years forming the United States, and involves locally self-governed churches respecting God's word having various names that are not to be considered "sects" and that are not organized as most other branches are. It has become evident that it was NOT God's will for these tribes to oppose Catholics--rather Luther had intended a REFORM of the Universal or Catholic Church--not a revolt against it. It would become tragic that wars would take place causing Christians to oppose one another, against Jesus' teachings. Now, in this time of continued enlightenment, we are finding the answers we have needed for much greater unity and peace. Also becoming understood is the reality of other forms of worship, many of which have at least in times past acknowledged Jesus as a true prophet, also can identify more readily with one of the twelve branches, significant groups altogether, acknowledging that traditional Christian branch (faith in Christ, ransom provision, seeking ultimate peace, nonviolence).
14. ANOTHER. It would be proper use of excommunication from the realm of Christianity, a figurative condition to one seriously violating God's will, that could bring about a repentant attitude in one, to come to his or her senses. What a reality check all can reflect upon, to realize how much he could take for granted, regarding the blessings that a Christian heritage has brought to society, under the rule of God's Kingdom. Also, it is an attitude of respectful humility among the tribes that can make possible compromise--not of God's standards, but of human interpretations that may be seen less worthy of dogmatism than previously thought, bringing greater peace to all branches of Christianity. I am hopeful of God's blessing on all those respectful of the loving and peaceable teachings as found on my website, www. findlifeandsee.com. It is my view that a coming together on God's view of celebrations (see the article on this website of the same name), and on the sort of entertainment, on television and otherwise, that Christians should find truly acceptable, will go a long way toward harmonious peace (see also the article, What it Means to Be Righteous, or Upright).
15. UNITED BRANCHES OF CHRISTIANITY. Recall that even though there were 12 tribes of Israel, they were to all serve Jehovah God unitedly, in one true way, as could be responsibly taught by the sons of Levi, charged with the temple duties and education of true worship. Are there other gems of truth that can bring Christians together under the one faith of Christianity? Recall that Paul wrote in 1Corinithians 1:9-13 that "God is faithful, by whom you were called into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 10 Now I urge you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you should all speak in agreement and that there should be no divisions among you, but that you may be completely united in the same mind and in the same line of thought. 11 For some from the house of Chloʹe have informed me regarding you, my brothers, that there are dissensions among you. 12 What I mean is this, that each one of you says: “I belong to Paul,” “But I to A·polʹlos,” “But I to Ceʹphas,” “But I to Christ.”13 Is the Christ divided? Paul was not executed on the stake for you, was he? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?" Yes, there would be a single, united teaching of God through Christ that would serve to bring all Christians together in abundant peace and unity. Recall Psalm 133:1, which says "Look! How good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell together in unity!" May we not neglect our attention to God's word and the clear teachings of Jesus, that we may be able to recognize divine truth as it is clarified to all. Christians remain no part of any ungodly arrangement by refusing to violate the pure standards of God's word (Acts 5:27-32; Romans 13:1-4). At the time of Jesus' words, he was not about to exercise rule over the world at God's right hand, so he encouraged his disciples to recognize or identify forms of rule that did not respect God's wisdom or standards as they had learned. Of course, in time that was to eventually change.
16. LAW OF GOD. Another significant area of understanding necessary to become and remain united is as regards God's view of the Ten Commandments and the remainder of God's law through Moses. Recall that Jesus warned some not to imagine that he came to destroy the Law. He clarified that he came, not to destroy, but to fulfill. The term "fulfill" did not mean he was rejecting the Law, but rather his teachings enabled it to be understood in a different way, as he embodied the Law. He helped people to understand it's principles, and to write that Law on their hearts, sincerely living by it in a new way, and not viewing it as a mere list of do's and don'ts, although such genuine regulations, or carefully constructed laws and limits, should be truly respected. Evidence has mounted that the United States and other nations have largely suffered by not acknowledging, for instance, the Sabbath laws regarding crop planting, as in the requirement to store up the 6th year double harvest, so as to let the 7th year ground lie fallow, having enough to eat until the next year's crops can then be planted and harvested. Many have not understood the abundance of the 6th year, which has indicated God's own adherence to the Law of God Sabbath, or Seventh Year of Rest/Calm, in a week of years. Thus, the Ten Commandments themselves are not to be ignored, but rather, should continue to be recognized by all Christian branches as among the most important of all of God's laws! (Romans 13:8-10; James 2:10-12)
17. UNDERSTANDING ORIGINS. With a resurgence of Kingdom adherents in recent years, largely from a ministry reflective of Jesus and especially blessed by God, there have been accordingly a secondary group anointed by God to follow "the Lord and his Christ", and fulfilling God's word, as we find evidence pointing to a time for government with God's blessing on good aims such as the founding fathers of this nation and others have sought in times past. With this must come an understanding of the origins of the United States as we know it. It was an agreement made on the Mayflower ship, in November of the year 1620, known as the Mayflower Compact, after stormy seas caused a major shift in destination from the Jamestown, Virginia settlement, to land much farther north, which helped to found Plymouth colony. The agreement was to establish self-government, whereby their freedom to worship God acceptably could be maintained, as many sought relief from the religious persecution within Europe, which had largely begun 4 years earlier. The Founding Fathers of this nation would continue the spirit of this pact in declaring freedom from the British and preparing the United States for a better and more perfect government with the U.S. Constitution. Recall that Isaac was persecuted by Ishmael, which began a 400-year period of intolerance that would end with the nation of Israel being freed from oppressive slavery in Egypt, by God's power. Likewise, it would be in late 2020, some 400 years following some beginnings of religious persecution in England, that a significant freedom was due to take place, when votes for one in the election for the Presidency of the United States would initially go unrecognized, in some sort of mix-up, largely not intentional, but may have involved corruption. Let prayers continue to ascend, that the blessings of God on this nation may truly and more fully flourish, and bring about the right, fair, and just results that the people of the United States chose to embrace during that election, my having run as Joshua M., now Michael JMA Camelangemy (still originally Mark Allen Campbell). By receiving the remainder of my rightful time in office as President, of the term 2021-2025, or continuing as the 46th during 2025-2029, with ability and persistence to accomplish much good, like other faithful presidents of the past, will allow me not only to bring accomplishment in the way of good policies, contributing to diplomatic relations, and implementing ideas to preserve and improve life and strengthen our economy, seeking in many ways the kind of peace God no doubt intends for us, but will also allow me to better assist others in the future in whatever way God wills for me afterward, hopefully encouraging future presidents. In harmony with Jesus' Model Prayer, may we plead: "Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth."
* Par. 1, Some, understanding the importance God places on unity of thought and teaching, have, based on a particular verse, considered the presentation of an idea challenging current doctrine as understandably offensive and a threat to treasured peace and harmony. However, the Scriptures reveal God's own view to be more balanced. For instance, many do not realize how long the circumcision issue, found in Acts 15, was debated among the early Christians--10 years--before a serious move was made to settle the issue among the Governing Body of apostles and older men in Jerusalem. During all that time, there is no scriptural precedent of congregation members legitimately disfellowshipping one another over such a disagreement. Rather a decent level of peace was maintained as Christians sought understanding and toleration of each one's right to his/her own view on this matter. Deep respect for God's word was maintained, with occasional debate, along with confidence that God and Christ knew the proper view to take, and would in due time clarify it.
The particular verse mentioned above is not one of those listing disfellowshipping offenses. A reasonably held difference of opinion is not in any such list. Rather, it is a verse mentioning the serious import of the teaching on Christ's fleshly birth, life, and ransom sacrifice--God's Son making possible true forgiveness of sin for all people expressing faith, or thankful trust, in this loving provision. (See John 3:17-18a; 2John 7-11)
It is falling to the practice of serious reviling or abusive speech toward others that God disapproves of, and has sometimes been a downfall, that may need attention, with the aim of a peaceful restoration, by clarifying the respect we should have for the right of every person to their honest opinion, seeking genuine truth. Thus, scholarship and diplomacy are promoted, rather than violence or abuse, in the aim of genuine peace, unity, and love.